Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Construction Day 9 - March 8, 2011

So I haven't taken pictures in a few days.  Things have change a little, but it snowed and is really muddy, so I haven't been walking around in the mud. 

On Friday and Saturday (March 4th), the concrete guy outlined where the footers would go and put up the forms.  On Monday (March 7th), he poured the concrete for the footers.  He is scheduled to pour the footers for the garage and then the basement walls on Friday of this week (March 11th).

Today, they are excavating the garage floor and putting in some backfill.  Like I said, lots of mud and dirt right now!

Things are progressing nicely, and I hope to have some more pictures in a couple of days to update everyone visually on the progress.  I am excited!

Nikki :)

Friday, March 4, 2011

Construction Day 4 - March 3, 2011

So I didn't post a picture for this day because I didn't get out with the camera.  But there wasn't a whole lot of activity; just delivery of added fill dirt.  It is snowing today (March 4), but we aren't supposed to get TOO much.  Hopefully the concrete guy can get out there and start setting up the forms for the footers.